
Alcon 週五, 05 九月 2014 28016 Bosch cabinet design interior design production showroom Siemens



20140728_124803.jpg   20140727_144328.jpg



每日開放時間: 11:00 a.m-8:00p.m


Alcon 週四, 10 七月 2014 3270 art creative design exhibition PMQ

坪洲曾是一個繁盛的工業小島。在60至70年代,島上建有東南亞最大的火柴廠以及林林種種的工廠包括木器、船塢、皮革等, 不少的輕工業如燈泡製造、籐織、手工藝也非常蓬勃。全盛時期林超先生的超記瓷器廠聘有30多工人都以手繪花碗為生。







【17 個人生必去的彩虹色城市】

Alcon 週一, 07 七月 2014 3448 art creative design


Burano in Venice, Italy


La Boca in Buenos Aires, Argentina

3. 哥本哈根新港, 丹麥

Nyhavn in Copenhagen, Denmark

4. 博開普, 南非

Bo-Kaap in Capetown, South Africa

5. 紐芬蘭, 加拿大

Jelly Bean Row in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada

6. 蕭安, 摩洛哥

Chefchaouen, Morocco

7. 五漁村, 意大利

Cinque Terre, Italy

8. 朗伊爾城, 挪威

Longyearbyen, Norway

9. 科爾馬, 法國

Colmar, France

10. 南卡羅來納州, 美國

Rainbow Row in Charleston, South Carolina, United States

11. 威廉斯塔德, 庫拉索島

Willemstad, Curaçao

12. 聖托里尼島, 希臘

Santorini, Greece

13. 瓦爾帕萊索, 智利

Valparaiso, Chile

14. 弗羅茨瓦夫, 波蘭

Wroclaw, Poland

15. 焦特布爾, 印度

Jodhpur, India

16. 薩爾瓦多, 巴西的

Pelourinho in Salvador, Brazil

17. 瓜納華托州, 墨西哥


資料來源: http://www.buzzfeed.com/juliapugachevsky/impossibly-colorful-cities


Alcon 週五, 04 七月 2014 3251 art creative design design lighting exhibition




資料來源: http://www.buzzfeed.com/kmallikarjuna/you-can-own-the-glow-cloud-from-welcome-to-night-vale

【LEGO人仔 整理電線的新方法】

Alcon 週三, 02 七月 2014 3263 art creative design exhibition LEGO




資料來源: http://sugru.com/blog/the-sugru-community-discovers-lego-hands-fit-cables-perfectly


Alcon 週一, 30 六月 2014 2928 alconevents art creative design

法國藝術家Gilbert Legrand的作品原型都是一些生活中常見的器具,例如拉鍊、刷子、多用刀、鐵錘、瓶塞、漏斗......他的巧思令器具脫下冰冷的外殼,搖身一變成為卡通雕塑

alcon_events_design-07.png  alcon_events_design-01.png

alcon_events_design-03.png                  cl-sous-la-porte.png

資料來源: http://www.voicer.me/archives/9527


Alcon 週二, 24 六月 2014 3181 Home IKEA interior design










資料來源: http://www.mydesy.com/ikea-house


Alcon 週一, 23 六月 2014 3131 creative exhibition


Javelle 和 Akiko 兩位是食品攝影師。他們創造了令人難以置信的令人印象深刻的照片。 乍一看,似乎他們的照片是正常的,平常糊口,直到你仔細看:這兩個攝影師設置場景使用微小的雕像及配件,創設情境。 北極熊滑雪的棉花糖,譚幹,因為...




Source: http://www.actupus.com/regardez-ces-photos-de-nourriture-de-plus-pres-vous-allez-decouvrir-dautres-choses/#

【15 個創意街頭廣告設計】

Alcon 週五, 23 五 2014 3709 banner bill board creative decoration design light box production roadshow

15 個創意街頭廣告設計




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2. 經濟學家的創意廣告
The Economist creative ad, The economist light bulb off, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques
The econmist creative ad, The Economist creative ad light bulb on, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

3. Koleston Naturals染髮劑的廣告
Koleston naturals creative ad, Koleston naturals, Koleston gold creative ad sun, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques
Koleston naturals creative ad, Koleston naturals, Koleston gold creative ad gold, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques  
Koleston naturals creative ad, Koleston naturals, Koleston gold creative ad dusk, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

4. 鼻毛修剪器的廣告創意
nose hair trimmer, nose hair trimmer creative advertisement, nose hair trimmer fat face, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques
nose hair trimmer, nose hair trimmer creative advertisement, nose hair trimmer bald guy, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

5. 丹佛的節約用水創意廣告組合
Denver water conservation bill board, Denver water conservation creative advertisement, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques
Denver water conservation bench, Denver water conservation creative advertisement, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

6. 可口可樂的創意廣告
Coca cola creative ad, coca cola creative advertisement, coca cola creative poster, coca cola creative campaign, coca cola ad, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques
Coca-cola advertisement with straws going into windowsCoca cola creative ad, coca cola creative advertisement, coca cola creative poster, coca cola creative campaign, coca cola ad, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

7. WWF的紙張環保廣告
WWF paper conservation, WWF paper conservation creative ad, WWF paper conservation message, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

8. 纖體中心的創意廣告
fitness center, fitness center creative ad, Silbermann's fitness center, Silbermann's fitness center creative ad, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

9. 健身房和制定中心的創意廣告
Powerhouse Gym, Powerhouse Gym Creative ad, Powerhouse Gym Creative advertisement, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

10. 指甲油公司的街頭廣告
Nail polish, Nail polish company, nail polish creative ad, nail polish creative advertisement, nail polish campaign, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

11. 麥當勞廣告分享的是24小時開放的消息
McDonalds creative ad, McDonalds creative advertisement, McDonalds 24 hours open campaign, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

12. Formula牙膏的廣告牌
Creative street advertisement formula toothpaste, formula toothpaste, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

13. 貝格曼殯儀服務
Bergmann funeral services, bergmann funeral services creative ad, bergmann funeral services creative advertisement, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

14. 交通安全廣告牌廣告
Road safety creative ad, road safety, road safety advertisement, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

15. 最後,猜猜我是誰!
Guiness creative ad, Guiness Guess who campaign, Guiness Guess who, Guiness creative billboard, creative street advertising, creative street art ideas, creative street art, creative ad, creative marketing ideas, creative advertising, creative advertising campaigns, creative advertising ads, creative advertising images, creative advertising photography, creative advertising poster, creative advertising techniques, creative advertising ideas, creative advertising ideas and techniques from the world's best campaigns, creative advertising ideas for small businesses, creative advertising ideas and techniques

資料來源: https://mymzone.com/blog/15-creative-street-advertisements-billboards-poster/


Alcon 週三, 26 三月 2014 3231 anniversary discount promotion

30% off Discount to New Customer Launch Now

We are proud to announce that this year is the 5th Year Anniversary of the establishment of Alcon! In the past 5 years, Alcon has been committed to providing professional and customer–care service, and continue to introduce innovative ideas for the design and production of well-known brands in promotional products, devices, and all round promotional activities, but also to give customers a wide range of market support. 

To mark the occasion, we offer 30% discount to new customers! We offer you an affordable prices, to enjoy a professional experience and quality service! 

You have not found a full range of marketing supporter? Act now!

Official Website: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它  
Tel: (+852) 3481-1696


2014 年,是傲群成立5週年的大日子﹗5年以來,傲群一直致力提供專業、貼心的服務,以及不斷構思創新意念,為各大知名品牌設計及製作宣傳產品、裝置、宣傳活動等,同時亦給予客戶各式各樣的市場支援。



電話(+852) 3481-1696

#promotion #anniversary #alcon #discount


【「藝聚政府大樓2013-14」開幕典禮 @伊利沙伯體育館】

Alcon 週三, 12 三月 2014 3072 art ceremony event exhibition hkgov opening

Art@Government Buildings 2013-14is presented by the Home Affairs Bureau and organized by the Art Promotion Office of the Leisure and Cultural Services Department. It is supported by the Home Affairs Department and Hong Kong Post with the Community Art Network as the programme coordinator. Through an open call for proposals, four local artists, namely Sze Wing-yee, Sim Chan, Wong Wai-yin and Wu Wai-chung, were selected to create public artworks for the project. Tailor-made public artworks, which different media have been used including sculpture, installation, painting, comics, video and multimedia, are being put on display from March 11 till March 31, 2015, at four government buildings, namely the General Post Office, the Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Hung Hom Community Hall and Sha Tin Town Hall. 

The project's opening ceremony at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium yesterday, the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Mrs Betty Fung, said this year's project adopted a new approach by showcasing artworks at four government buildings which provide different services. 

Alcon team participate in the Art@Government Buildings 2013-14Opening Ceremony held yesterday at the Queen Elizabeth Stadium about organizing the production matters. It is really a great honor to us that being able to participate in and support this meaningful arts promotion activities! Let’s review the Ceremony Highlights!

Art@Government Buildingsinfo:
Entitled Art@Government Buildings, this large-scale public art project aims to create a fresh artistic environment for the buildings and offer visitors and users a new experience. Since its launch in 2010, this project has already introduced works of art to nine government buildings in the past two years.




#ArtatGovernmentBuildings#Art#artworks #Artists #OpeningCeremony#exhibition #QueenElizabethstadium #event #promotion #project #culture #hongkong #hk #gov #藝聚政府大樓 #藝術 #推廣 #活動


【「光•影—意大利巴洛克藝術大師•卡拉瓦喬」展覽 - 《以馬忤斯的晚餐》真跡 @太古廣場】

Alcon 週三, 26 二月 2014 3459 art exhibition pacificplace painting

For the first time in Asia and for a strictly limited season, the Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong and the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, with the generous support from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, are proud to present Light and Shadows — Caravaggio • The Italian Baroque Master. The exhibition will be held from March 12 to April 13, 2014.

This special treasures exhibition preview and conference is now open (February 25, 2014, Tuesday) at Pacific Place. Alcon is proud to host this exhibition production issues! Before the authentic paintings arrive, public can admire the works by projection at preview period. This "Supper at Emmaus" (1605-1606) the world's first large-scale projection display, allowing viewers unprecedented new angle, full appreciation of the story Caravaggio revolutionized painting masterpieces of style and understanding behind.

Also on display are contemporary works by four Hong Kong artists — Chow Chun-fai, So Hing-keung, Tsang Kin-wah, and Wucius Wong — which showcase how techniques found in Caravaggio's paintings were adopted centuries later.

Supper at Emmausinformation:
A haunting Baroque masterpiece, Supper at Emmaus (1605-06) was painted during a dark period in the artist's life when he was exiled after committing an act of manslaughter. It depicts Jesus Christ revealing himself to his disciples following his resurrection, in the town of Emmaus. It is a portrait of a flawed humanity, vulnerable to sin and expresses the artist's desire for salvation offered by faith in Christ.

亞洲協會香港中心將由2014312日至413日舉行「光意大利巴洛克藝術大師卡拉瓦喬」展覽,焦點展品為《以馬忤斯的晚餐》(Supper at Emmaus)的真跡,這作品被視為史上最重要畫家之一的鉅作、世上最珍貴名畫之一。這次將是《以馬忤斯的晚餐》首次於亞洲展出,入場費全免。有賴香港賽馬會慈善基金慷慨贊助,意大利駐港領事館聯合策劃及主動促成此獨一無二名畫外借至香港的事宜。

此珍品展覽的發佈會及特別預覽將於即日起 (2014225星期二在金鐘太古廣場舉行Alcon 非常榮幸為此項展覽承辦製作事宜。市民可在名畫的真跡抵港前,欣賞作品的投射放影預覽。此乃《以馬忤斯的晚餐》(1605-1606)全球首次以大規模投射展出,讓觀眾以前所未有的新角度,全方位欣賞卡拉瓦喬革命性繪畫的風格和了解名作背後的故事。
展覽將同時展出周俊輝、蘇慶強、曾建華及王無邪四位香港當代藝術家的作品。此部份由展覽策展人暨香港中文大學教授韋一空博士 (Dr. Frank Vigneron)策劃,旨在反映卡拉瓦喬畫作的特色在數百年後如何在現代藝術品中流傳。


#LightandShadows #Supper at Emmaus #exhibition #art #painting #PacificPlace #Caravaggio #
光影#以馬忤斯的晚餐 #展覽 #藝術 #名畫 #太古廣場 #卡拉瓦喬





【德國博朗展銷店 @澳門威尼斯人度假村酒店】

Alcon 週二, 25 二月 2014 3227 Braun fair macau roadshow shopping mall

FamousGerman home appliance brand - Braun, recently launched its Macau Roadshow featuring the ° CoolTec– World's first shaver with active cooling technology, as well as sections of the new series of small household electrical appliances.
Alcon helps to design the set of all black brand showcase, the ice-blue light penetration at the bottom part of the showcases generate the ice cold feels that specially highlights the product theme. Besides, the simple spacing and layer design are distinctive, which is both stylish and practical. 
Braun Pop-up Store is located in The
 Grand Canal Shoppes at The Venetian, "Sands China recruitment and career development center," which displayed a variety of products including electric shavers, electric oral care products, etc.


#German #Braun #Roadshow #cooltec #shaver #Macau #Venetian #德國 #博朗 #百靈 #電鬚刨 #澳門 #威尼斯人




【設計師新工具: 全球首支 3D 立體打印筆 】

Alcon 週四, 13 二月 2014 2845 3D design designer news printing technology 科技 設計

#design #3dprinting #technology #pen #designer #3doodler #設計 #3d打印 #科技 #筆 #設計師


Alcon 週二, 11 二月 2014 3094 decoration entertainment valentine

【Valentine’s Day Entertainment & Decoration Outline】【情人節精彩活動及佈置一覽】

Valentine’s Entertainment:

A Taste of Love」手工朱古力展xThe Fragrance of Love」名牌香水展」@全線一田百貨 Yata Department Store  - 7 Feb 2014 – 17 Feb 2014
「愛在科學園 - 情人有「禮」市集 (Gift Bazaar)@香港科學園 Science Park - 8 Feb 2014 – 16 Feb 2014
Sweet Sundays@赤柱廣場 Stanley Plaza - 9 Feb 2014 – 23 Feb 2014
「第74屆情人節婚博會」@香港會議展覽中心展覽廳1 HKCEC Hall 1 - 14 Feb 2014 – 16 Feb 2014
"NOW OR NEVER" @ Magnum Club - 14 Feb 2014

Valentine’s Decoration:

「法式花園 LOVE GARDEN海港城 LCX Harbour City LCX  - 28 Jan 2014 – 16 Feb 2014
「鎖訂‧情緣」@愉景灣D’Deck Discobery Bay D’Deck- 31 Jan 2014 – 14 Feb 2014
「玫瑰情緣」@又一城Festival Walk - 6 Feb 2014 – 16 Feb 2014
「情定天鵝湖」@東港城 East Point City - 14 Feb 2014 – 16 Feb 2014
Love is in The AIR @The ONE - 14 Feb 2014 – 16 Feb 2014



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